not exactly
Step 2. Hmm, hey how does this happen?
well its a bus from Maun to Ghanzi to Charles Hill to Manuno and then you hitchhike to Gobbabis and Windhoek.
Nice lets go see some country!
Now yes there is a plane from Maun to Windhoek thats only an hour but where is the adventure in that, plus a 12 hour's 830km trip is a steal at 20$!
Though uneventful there is a funny stop in the middle of the road between Maun and Ghanzi where a checkpoint is setup for foot and mouth disease, where everyone is watched by a police officer and you step on a grate of no doubt some powerful agents to destroy any bacteria you may have on your boot.
Pulling up in Ghanzi I could see that the 20 person combi for the 4 hour ride to Charles hill and then on the Manuno was already essentially full but with some persistence and a real intent not to stay the night I got on the last seat. Nice because even though there seemed to be people waiting for the next combi... who knows when that was coming.
8 hours later and at the border in Namibia and the Trans-Kalahari-Highway
which for 50 NAD (7$) via taxi will take you to Gobabis where 100NAD gave me a ride in a guys golf gti from 1990 to Windhoek.
All in all 12 hours or so and mission accomplished quite well. Now on to the elusive pilot job in Namibia.