Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Zambia Ho

Zambia Ho with stops in Livingston to See Vic Falls and Lusaka where there are a few operators with some nice aircraft and multi engine opportunities.

Now leaving Namibia with no real luck has been hard as its a great country.  Windhoek is a modern city, clean, safe and diversified and Swakopmund has its own charm an ocean ( the atlantic ) and sand dunes which are fun to jump off of ... both places that would be great to live and work.

Though Namibia at the time I left, was just issuing Visa's to primarily all pilots old and new who were waiting some for months but does not change the statement from company's that they are not hiring which still begs the question  "Well when are you exactly?"  

In all fairness the tourism industry for southern Africa has been at its lowest for the past 3 years and is no real surprise that hiring is down.  Its not like the idea of a global economic collapse doesn't include the 3rd world.  

Anyways lets go do some overland travel to Zambia.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Maun to Windhoek

Step 1. Maun to Windhoek, should be easy enough, there has to be a direct bus route or at least 1 connection?
not exactly

Step 2. Hmm, hey how does this happen?
well its a bus from Maun to Ghanzi to Charles Hill to Manuno and then you hitchhike to Gobbabis and Windhoek.

Nice lets go see some country!

Now yes there is a plane from Maun to Windhoek thats only an hour but where is the adventure in that, plus a 12 hour's 830km trip is a steal at 20$!

Though uneventful there is a funny stop in the middle of the road between Maun and Ghanzi where a checkpoint is setup for foot and mouth disease, where everyone is watched by a police officer and you step on a grate of no doubt some powerful agents to destroy any bacteria you may have on your boot.

Pulling up in Ghanzi I could see that the 20 person combi for the 4 hour ride to Charles hill and then on the Manuno was already essentially full but with some persistence and a real intent not to stay the night I got on the last seat. Nice because even though there seemed to be people waiting for the next combi... who knows when that was coming.

8 hours later and at the border in Namibia and the Trans-Kalahari-Highway
which for 50 NAD (7$)  via taxi will take you to Gobabis where 100NAD gave me a ride in a guys golf gti from 1990 to Windhoek.

All in all 12 hours or so and mission accomplished quite well. Now on to the elusive pilot job in Namibia.

Namibia here we go

Well time to move on to Namibia. Through all the competition of forty other pilots and fighting the government for the allowance of foreign visa's I did manage to get on the top of the list with two separate companies which is great but still a little short at the moment.. Thats aviation though so oh well time to move on as was part of the original plan anyways.

Cheers though in particular to all the good guys who are staying and left Maun as well as the guys over at Delta! Keep the Brai's going boys!